Wednesday 6 June 2012

how to create a strong password

  • An ideal password is long and has letters, punctuation, symbols, and numbers.
  • Whenever possible, use 14 characters or more.
  • The greater the variety of characters in your password, the better.
  • Use the entire keyboard, not just the letters and characters you use or see most often.
  • Start with a sentence or two
  • Remove the spaces between the words in the sentence.
  • Turn words into symbols, numbers, or shorthand.
  • Add length with numbers. Put numbers that are meaningful to you after the sentence.
this is the important Key to password strength : Length and Complexity

Common password pitfalls to avoidCyber criminals use sophisticated tools that can rapidly decipher passwords.

Avoid creating passwords that use:
Dictionary words in any language.

Words spelled backwards, common misspellings, and abbreviations.

Sequences or repeated characters. Examples: 12345678, 222222, abcdefg, or adjacent letters on your keyboard (qwerty).

Personal information. Your name, birthday, driver's license, passport number, or similar information.

Some Useful INFO:
(1) Think before you share personal information
First, read the website's privacy policy

Privacy policies should clearly explain what data the website gathers about you, how it is used, shared, and secured, and how you can edit or delete it.

(2)Do not share more than you need to

Do not post anything online that you would not want made public.

Minimize details that identify you or your whereabouts.

Keep your account numbers, user names, and passwords secret.

Only share your primary email address or Instant Message (IM) name with people who you know or with reputable organizations. Avoid listing your address or name on Internet directories and job-posting sites.

Enter only required information—often marked with an asterisk (*)—on registration and other forms.

(3)Monitor what others post
Search for your name on the Internet using at least two search engines. Search for text and images. If you find sensitive information on a website about yourself, look for contact information on the website and send a request to have your information removed.

Regularly review what others write about you on blogs and social networking websites. Ask friends not to post photos of you or your family without your permission. If you feel uncomfortable with material such as information or photos that are posted on others' websites, ask for it to be removed.

(4)Protect yourself from fraud
Spot the signs of a scam

Watch for deals that sound too good to be true, phony job ads, notices that you have won a lottery, or requests to help a distant stranger transfer funds. Other clues include urgent messages ("Your account will be closed!"), misspellings, and grammatical errors.

Think before you click to visit a website or call a number in a suspicious email or phone message—both could be phony.

Be cautious with links to video clips and games, or open photos, songs, or other files—even if you know the sender. Check with the sender first.

(5)Look for signs that a web page is safe

Before you enter sensitive data, check for evidence that:

The site uses encryption, a security measure that scrambles data as it crosses the Internet. Good indicators that a site is encrypted include a web address with https ("s" stands for secure) and a closed padlock beside it. (The lock might also be in the lower-right corner of the window.)
Click the image to open in full size.
You are at the correct site—for example, at your bank's website, not a phony website. If you are using Internet Explorer, one sign of trustworthiness is a green address bar like the one above.

(6)Why should I care if there is information about me online?
The information that is available about you online is important for two reasons:

Companies and recruiters may use this information, your online reputation, to gauge your suitability for a job. To learn more, read Take charge of your online reputation.

Criminals may use data about you online to target you for phishing scams, steal your identity, and to commit other crimes. You can reduce your risk by taking steps to increase your privacy online.

Online information is searchable and often permanent. Unlike data stored on paper, however, powerful Internet search engines and data aggregation tools can make it easy to pull data together to build a full profile of you.

Once data is published online, it is effectively there forever and, depending on the privacy policy of the company holding the data, may ultimately be seen by anyone on the Internet. Sites may archive anything you have posted in addition to data they have collected from you. Friends (or ex-friends) may give your information out, or hackers and security lapses may expose it

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